Heifer International Analysis of Dairy, Poultry, Beef and Horticulture Value Chains Consultancy Opportunity in Kenya

Project / Activity Name: Heifer International Signature Programme

Agresso Work Order: N/A

Country: Kenya

Request for Proposal

Extension of Deadline

Previous Applicants Need Not Reapply

Analysis of Dairy, Poultry, Beef and Horticulture Value Chains and Documentation of Associated Reports in Kenya

RFP Release Date: 12 September 2022

Proposal Submission Deadline: 11 November 2022

Question/ Inquiry Submission Deadline: 4 November 2022

Electronic submission to the attention of: Procurement

Electronic submission: procurement-ke@heifer.org

Contact information for inquiries about this RFP: procurement-ke@heifer.org


Heifer International (Heifer) has long recognized the centrality of human development as one of the main aspects of its drive to end hunger, poverty, and the need to take care of the earth.

Heifer’s values-based holistic community development model, with its 12 cornerstones for fair and sustainable development, is the basis of his work.

With this solid foundation, Heifer focuses his work on pro-poor wealth by creating value chains that exploit the social capital of communities to stimulate market development.

The fight against poverty and food and nutrition insecurity is an obligatory gateway for any economic development strategy for African countries.

The agriculture sector is an important economic sector; it contributes to 14% of GDP and accounts for about 50% of the labour force.

Despite this, more than half of rural people, usually very small farmers engaged in subsistence agriculture, live below the poverty line and 30% of them are affected by food insecurity (World Bank, 2014).

Heifer International Kenya conducted a balanced scorecard exercise ranking various value chains with the aim to identify potential priority value chains in the agricultural sector, for impactful interventions.

This exercise was more inclined towards the livestock value chains (Poultry, Beef, Dairy, and small stock (sheep and goats), with Horticulture as a secondary value chain, where Heifer International Kenya could leverage on vast experience and well as create the greatest impact to smallholder farmers both directly and indirectly through market systems development approach.

The Terms of Reference (TOR) will guide further in-depth research to support the development of both a country strategy and the subsequent development of viable project concept notes for Heifer International Kenya interventions.


The overall objective of the study is to perform a detailed review of the Dairy value chain analysis that was conducted by Heifer Kenya and undertake a detailed analysis/review of the value chains of Dairy, Beef, Poultry and Horticulture value in Kenya.

The consultant will carry out an in-depth analysis/review on identified agricultural Value Chains in the selected regions to provide evidence-based information to design Heifer Kenya country signature programme.

This analysis will provide evidenced-based information on the key systemic constraints within these value chains and recommend some market-based solutions and interventions to unlock these constraints.

The analysis will also provide evidence-based information to develop a business case, and a minimum of one program/project ideas per commodity that can be integrated into Heifer Kenya signature program and address systemic bottlenecks of the value chain/market system and bring about a sustainable and lasting impact in the lives and living incomes of small holder farmers, including women and youth.

The specific objectives include:

  • Conduct a comprehensive value chain analysis/review of the selected commodities; Identify market dynamics and opportunities and assess and map the supply and demand of services in targeted areas
  • Identify systemic bottlenecks that hinder efficiency and effectiveness of the market system/value chains (with emphasis on challenges of the demand side)
  • Identify critical support functions, rules, and regulations for each value chain/commodity/market system relevant to advance the competitiveness of these value chains. Outline any gaps that must be filled to sustainably generate income or gain employment through the value chain and how the value chain can be developed.
  • Identify potential gender-based barriers and opportunities for gender transformative roles in value chain activities
  • Program/project ideas to address systemic challenges; propose innovative ideas and digital solutions as appropriate for each of the value chains.
  • Identify key stakeholders/actors (private, public, producer groups, etc.…) with demonstrable capacity and incentive; and can be potential partners in implementing interventions to address systemic bottlenecks
  • Bring out comparative and competitive advantages of the selected Valuer chains in line with demand-supply gap, sales/revenue, market size, market efficiency, distribution channels etc.
  • The assignment will also establish and document the impact (economic) analysis, gender analysis, youth analysis, stakeholders’ analysis, landscape analysis, environmental analysis, farm and profitability analysis of selected value chains to allow understanding of the overall context and guide Heifer Kenya implementation strategy in the design of its Signature Program. These will be a separate documentation in addition to the value chains assessment/analysis
  • The consultant will work in coordination with the Heifer Kenya team to review the action plan, methodology and field assessment tools for the study. It will generate, in addition to secondary data, the primary data needed from the selected sites sampled, collect, and analyze the secondary data available to achieve the study’s objectives.

CLICK HERE for a detailed terms of reference

3.0 Your proposal should include the following:

  • All the interested firms need to submit the following:
  • Technical Proposal (not to exceed 20 pages)

3.1.1 General information

  • Organization overview highlighting related assignments completed with client name, contact person and mobile number
  • Capacity statement

3.1.2 Approach

  • A detailed methodology on how the assignment will be conducted, including data analysis and documentation
  • Maximum 5-page CV (as annex) highlighting related assignment completed, role in the completed assignment.
  • A clear and comprehensive work plan (draft), outlining the major activities and time schedule.
  • Technical capacity statement, including past experiences and activities related to the theme of the study. Reference information must include the location, award numbers, and brief description of work performed.
  • At least three references of other clients for which similar assignments were undertaken with contact information for each.

3.2 Financial Proposal (in USD)

  • Proposed a daily pay for this assignment


  • Maximum of 5-page CV
  • Documents in favor of the previous relevant studies.
  • A summary of previous assignments undertaken within the last 3 years.

The consulting firm will be required to attach the following documents below when submitting the bid / proposal:

  • Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration Certificate.
  • A Partnership Deed if you are running a partnership business.
  • Audited financial statements for the last three years.
  • Valid CR12 Certificate.
  • KRA online PIN Certificate.
  • Valid Tax Compliance Certificate.
  • Physical location including town, building, room number and postal address.
  • Directors’ / Partners’ personal guarantee.
  • Trade reference and clientele list including their respective contacts.

Interested consultants legally eligible to implement this assignment in Kenya are requested to submit a proposal including contract as well as your telephone and email contact information.

Submissions must be in English and typed single-spaced using Times New Roman font size 12, with a complete set of appendices/attachments as applicable.

All pages must be numbered and include the SOW reference number in the cover page, and name of the organization at the bottom of each page.

The proposal (duly signed) from the consultants should comprise technical and financial proposal.

The Proposal will be accepted soft copy through email and mentioning subject line; “Value Chains Analysis” to procurement-ke@heifer.org no later than 11 November 2022.

Proposals received after the submission deadline will not be considered.

Applicants are responsible to ensure their proposals are submitted according to the instructions stated herein.

Heifer retains the right to terminate this RFP or modify the requirements upon notification to the Offerors.

3.5 Validity of Proposals

Proposals submitted shall remain open for acceptance for ten (10) days from the last date specified for receipt of the proposal.

This includes, but is not limited to pricing, terms and conditions, service levels, and all other information.

If your organization is selected, all information in this document and the negotiation process are contractually binding.