End-Term Evaluation Consultancy - CBM Global, Kenya
The Consultant will report to the Programme Manager CBM Global Kenya and the Senior Humanitarian Programme Officer from the Humanitarian Technical Team CBM Global.
Description of consultancy: External Evaluation for the Drought Response Inclusion Project (DRIP) in Meru, Tharaka Nithi and Turkana Counties, Kenya.
1. Background and rationale
In 2022, the unprecedented drought in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) counties of Kenya—marked by five consecutive below-average rainy seasons since the end of 2020—drove a dramatic increase in humanitarian needs. By the end of the year, the situation was critical in 22 out of 23 ASALs counties due to poor performance of the October-December 2022 short rains, according to the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA).
Food insecurity and acute malnutrition rose significantly over the course of the year, as communities’ ability to cope was eroded by back-to-back droughts. Food insecurity increased in 2022, from an estimated 2.4 million people in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse in January to nearly 4.4 million people in Crisis or worse, including 1.2 million in Emergency (IPC Phase 4), by December of 2022. Cases of acute malnutrition and loss of livestock in droves were constant in the same time frame.
CBM Global initiated Rapid Needs Assessment in 2022, first in Meru and Tharaka, and later in Turkana to identify possible intervention areas for the Federation, and delivered a Drought Response Inclusion Project in Meru and Tharaka Nithi initially, and then scaled up the country humanitarian action to Turkana County. The main objective of the projects was that the most affected and at risk households would be better able to cope with the adverse affects of the drought. The projects focused on 3 main results:
Result 1: Households in Meru and Tharaka Nithi County and Turkana Will be able to meet their basic needs and prevent negative coping mechanisms through provision of multipurpose cash assistance.
Result 2: Persons with disabilities and older persons access smainstream emergency response and recovery activity by improving their mobility.
Result 3: Key ministries of the local and country government and humanitarian actors including KRCS provide inclusive support in their sector specific response and recovery plans.
2. Purpose and Deliverables
The purpose of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the program activities and results and to assess the achievements in line with initially defined objectives, while generating key lessons in the Inclusive Humanitarian Action theme.
The evaluation will also consider the partnership approach, and compliance of the project with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and the Humanitarian Inclusion Standards (HIS), providing recommendations to support organizational learning and future programming, and building on the previously done Real Time Evaluation done in 2022.
At a minimum the evaluation will explore:
1. The overall performance of the response with reference to its respective strategy, objectives and quantitative and qualitative indicators defined by the project document and the implementation arrangements.
2. In line with the DAC Criteria, Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, coherence, Impact and Sustainability of the project.
3. The coordination of the response, both internally, between CBM and KRCS, and externally, with other humanitarian actors and county governments, and within the humanitarian system.
4. The inclusiveness and accessibility of the response for persons with disabilities and older persons
5. How the response ensures accountability to affected people, in particular (but not exclusively) with regard to the strengthening of local capacity, the avoidance of negative effects and the effectiveness of communication, participation and feedback.
6) Capture learnings from the evaluation process to inform further improvements of humanitarian work of CBM Global Federation and its partners.
3. Scope
The evaluation will cover the entire Drought Inclusion project from April 2022 to April 2023 (project activities still running), covering Meru, Tharaka Nithi and Turkana Counties.
It will cover project documents including design documents, activity, narrative and financial reports, and the video documentation captured during the project, among other project documents.
4. Timeframe and duration
This consultancy is anticipated to cover between 25-28 days, starting in May 2023 and be closed by early June 2023 when the final report should be shared. It will include an inception meeting, visits to the three project sites, visit to the implementing partner organization Kenya Red Cross Society, and to CBM Global Kenya Office, a validation meeting to present the draft findings, before submission of the final report and relevant attachments. A reflection session, which would involve other members of the CBM Global Humanitarian Management team and KRCS team would also be facilitated.
5. Expected Deliverables
An inception report will be produced by the consultant, along with the relevant data collection tools, and shared with and approved by the Manager prior to the kick off of the field data collection.
A final report, which is fully accessible, will be produced and finalized following the validation meeting.
A validation meeting and reflection session will be conducted, and associated presentations shared with CBM Global.
6. Place/ location of service delivered
This is an evaluation to be carried out in Kenya, with largely remote work, but with meetings in Nairobi, and field travels to Meru, Tharaka Nithi and Turkana Counties.
7. Required Expert Profile
Key qualifications required to perform this consultancy include:
- Demonstrated track record of carrying out similar type of evaluations.
- Experience in working with multi-stakeholder partnerships.
- Familiarity with the Humanitarian Inclusion Standards (HIS) and Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS).
- Experience in designing participatory and inclusive evaluation methodologies.
- Work experience in at least one of the three target counties.
- Good intercultural skills and experience.
- Fluent in English and Kiswahili.
- Consideration of Sign Language in evaluation team.
Candidates with disability are strongly encouraged to apply.
8. Payment schedule
CBM Global will pay for the consultancy fee according to the schedule below:
- 40% Upon submission and acceptance of an Inception report
- 30% Upon submission and validation of a Draft Report
- 30% Upon submission and acceptance of the final report.
How to apply
Application Documents with clear methodology, detailed workplan, CVs of all members of the evaluation, and detailed budget should be sent by email to CBM Global at kenyaoffice@cbm-global.org and cc: kevin.sudi@cbm-global.org quoting the Reference Title: “End-Term Evaluation Consultancy– CBMG Kenya” by 1700 hours East Africa time before 19th May 2023. Any proposals received after the stated time and date will be rejected. Proposals that do not follow the guidelines above will be rejected.
Any queries should be sent to: kevin.sudi@cbm-global.org