Terms of Reference - Consultancy Mid-term Evaluation for Misereor Livelihood and Psychosocial Project, Nairobi.
Position: Misereor Livelihood and Psychosocial Project Consultant
Reports to: Project Director and Country Program Officer
1. Introduction:
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international organization with a mission to accompany, serve and advocate on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. It is non-profit church-based organization that provides different services to the refugee population from the Eastern African Region. Globally, JRS has over 40 years of global experience in various humanitarian emergency and relief operations worldwide and is currently reaching out to over 1 million displaced people in 56 countries. JRS Kenya works in Nairobi with urban refugees and in Kakuma with Camp based refugees. The nature of services JRS provides includes education, livelihoods, protection, mental health and psychosocial support and social assistance.
2. Background of Project under evaluation:
JRS with funding from Misereor, has been implementing a three-year (1st July 2021 – 31st December 2024) livelihood and psychosocial project in Nairobi targeting to serve 410 persons. As part of the project design, JRS intends to conduct a midterm evaluation of the said project in Nairobi. The findings of the evaluation will provide an understanding of the impact created and help inform livelihoods interventions design aimed at enhancing the self-reliance of urban refugees, asylum seekers and host communities.
The period under evaluation is 1st July 2021 – 31st July 2022 (2 years)
The goal of the project is to contribute towards improving the living conditions and the psychological well- being of urban refugees in Nairobi.
The project has two (2) objectives as follows.
Objective 1: The self-reliance of urban refugees has improved through skills training and provision of material support.
Indicator: After completion of the skills training course, 70% of the target group (147 out of 210) have diversified and increased their income.
Objective 2: The psychological well-being of the target group has improved.
Indicator: 70% of individuals surveyed report an improvement in their well-being.
3. Evaluation Summary:
In compliance to donor regulations, this evaluation will observe the guide for Misereor partner organisations on commissioning external evaluations locally. For this reason, the consultant’s evaluation is expected to address the DAC evaluation criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.
Livelihood and Psychosocial Project, Nairobi
Project Phase
01 July 2021 – 31 July 2023 (2 years)
Evaluation Type
Mid-term Project Evaluation
Evaluation Purpose
- Assess the progress and short-term impact made towards achieving Project goal and impacts based on the Project design and strategy (Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Impact, Sustainability and Efficiency) to better inform future JRS projecting and identify potential gaps and area-specific opportunities/focus for Project planning and improvement.
- To come up with recommendations to guide future Project planning.
- To render accountability to donors
Primary Methodologies
- Quantitative Method (survey with children)
- Qualitative methods (through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs).
- Observation.
- Desk/Literature Review
Evaluation Start and End dates
19 June – 21 July 2023
Anticipated Evaluation Report Release Date
25 July 2023
4. Evaluation Purpose and Objectives:
The purpose of the evaluation is to establish and document the impact and effectiveness of project interventions to render accountability to donors. The evaluation is expected to provide data on the performance, impact, and sustainability of the project interventions. The findings and recommendations will contribute to a learning process which enables JRS to draw lessons from its experience to improve the quality of service to refugees, assessing the extent to which outcomes of the project have been achieved, determine relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and important topics for further inquiry, action, lobbying and influence. Additionally, findings will contribute to improvements in the final phase of the project in the 2023 – 2024 period.
NB: A full discussion of the research questions concerning relevance, and sensitivity to people served will be required to uphold the Do No Harm principle.
5. Evaluation Objectives:
The main objective of the project evaluation is to present findings and impact of the project activities/interventions of the target beneficiaries as per the indicators of the project objectives and expected results specified in the project document and the project’s results framework.
The specific objectives of the evaluation are:
- Assess the Livelihood and Psychosocial Project’s achievements against the outcomes and output indicators set at the start of the project.
- Capture lessons learnt and provide information on the project approaches identifying what has worked and what has not worked for learning.
- To assess to what extent the project achieved its formulated results (especially at output and outcome level) with target audience benefiting from the project.
- To assess the relevance and contribution of the project as a pioneer approach to the tertiary/vocational education sectors targeting refugee communities; project acceptance, adoption, and demand creation, thus creating opportunity for scale up.
- To assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of strategies, approaches and modalities used in the project to realize the intended results.
- To assess the integration of innovation themes of gender (inclusion of women and youth).
- To identify major bottlenecks and lessons learnt and document them to take into consideration for possible follow-up projects. Also assess risks of pulling out at this moment, especially for the sustainability and durability of the interventions and investments.
Survey Methodology
The methodology for this study will include both direct and indirect data collection, analysis, cross-referencing, and formulating recommendations thematically and as area/site-specific. This evaluation requires a mixed method approach that allows methodological triangulation to increase the validity and credibility of data. Participatory methods shall be used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data.
6. Roles and Responsibilities:
6.1 The roles and responsibilities of the consultant include:
- Desk review of relevant Project and project documents and reports such as proposals, assessments, project budgets, monitoring and assessment reports, JRS guidelines
- Establish working contacts with all the relevant stakeholders in the targeted host communities.
- Recruit data collection team if needed.
- Prepare and submit to JRS the evaluation proposal and the inception report including methodology to be used, work plans and schedules for both quantitative and qualitative aspect of the assignment for review and feedback and approval by JRS.
- Field visits to selected sites; among other surveys, interviews and/or focus group discussions with local partners, teachers, community members and other stakeholders by the consultant.
- The consultant will submit an inception report (with detailed methodology, research tools and timeline/logistics) for further discussion.
- Submission of draft evaluation report and finalize it based on the feedback from JRS team inputs.
- Submission of individual recommendations for JRS and local partners
- Make a presentation of findings to the project team in Nairobi.
6.2 JRS Roles & Responsibilities
- Briefing of the consultant by JRS Team
- Review and approve the study tools and methodology.
- Brief stakeholders about the purpose of the evaluation
- Provide all the necessary support to the consultant to ensure timely completion and compliance with the international survey standards
- Avail all the required facilitation and coordination.
- Assist in organizing meetings with stakeholders.
- Prepare and effect payment for the consultant upon completion of the assignment, according to mutually agreed on deliverables.
Terms of Service
- The payment for the consultancy service will be implemented through the JRS Kenya Country Office in Nairobi in KES by bank transfer. This will be done based on mutually set deliverable schedule between JRS Kenya and the consultant.
- The period of the assignment is one (1) month.
Application instructions:
- 5 pages (max) letter of motivation indicating the consultants’ suitability for the assignment and match with previous work experience, qualifications etc.
- How the team will be composed and the division of work between team members
- Discussion of the work methodology to be used.
- Draft work plan and suggested timetable
- Economic offer and budget broke down.
- Provisional availability to fulfill the consultancy as per the timeframes indicated in these Terms of Reference.
- Professional profile of the evaluating team/ company (CVs of all individuals included in the consultancy team)
Enquiries regarding the expression of interest/proposal process may be directed to Elizabeth Akello, the Country Program Officer: elizabeth.akello@jrs.net
Terms of Reference - Consultancy Mid-term Evaluation for Misereor Livelihood and Psychosocial Project, Nairobi.
Position: Misereor Livelihood and Psychosocial Project Consultant
Reports to: Project Director and Country Program Officer
How to apply