Request for Proposal for consultancy to support developing a Civil Society Organization Rapid Response Fund framework in Kenya

Aga Khan Development Network Regional Eastern Africa COVID-19 Response Programme.

Terms of Reference.

Call for consultancy to support developing a Civil Society Organisation Rapid Response Fund framework.

A. Background

The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is implementing a programme in Eastern Africa to strengthen responses to COVID-19 across Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda. The 30-month, multi-sectoral programme will help strengthen existing health responses and increase awareness of prevention strategies and support mechanisms, while also working to minimize the mental health and socio-economic impacts of the crisis. The programme is divided into three pillars: community resilience, health system strengthening, and youth wellbeing and livelihoods.

Taking an integrated approach, the programme’s activities include, among many others, provision of rapid response funds to civil society organizations (CSO) to mitigate COVID 19 effects, disseminating COVID-19 prevention messages, reinforcing national health facilities’ resources, providing rapid response funds to civil society organizations to support vulnerable community members, and providing entrepreneurship and employment skills training and start-up funds to young people. To deliver these activities, AKF is working alongside Aga Khan Health Services (AKHS) and the Aga Khan University (AKU), as well as the Institute for Human Development and Triggerise.

Civil Society Organization Rapid Response Funds.

In Kenya, Uganda, and Mozambique, CSOs received rapid response funds in form of subgrants to respond to community emerging needs from COVID-19. These funds have so far been utilized in alleviating needs among the most vulnerable, and marginalized communities. In Tanzania, the rapid response funds took a different form, where community- based saving groups (CBSGs) received funds to replenish their existing social funds to increase accessibility of funding for group members. With these funds, CBSGs supported members access to emergency health services, relief funding for women and youth-led micro and small businesses, or agricultural inputs among other needs. Monitoring of subgrants utilization was closely monitored by AKF Kenya.

Purpose of Consultancy

The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop a civil society rapid response funds framework for AKF, and its partners based on the experience in the implementation of the COVID-19 response programme. This Framework will inform the effective design and implementation of rapid response programme opportunities in East Africa while showcasing learnings that emerged from this initiative.

The specific objectives of this assignment include:

a. To review relevant documents and reports from the programme and project implementation partners.

b. To conduct interviews with the programme team and select key stakeholders as needed to further enrich the framework.

c. To document the rapid response funding process, highlighting case studies from programme partners at each point of the rapid response fund process and utilization.

d. To develop lessons learned and recommendations from the programme to inform the design of the rapid response funds opportunities.

B. Deliverables

Delivery 1: A maximum of a 5-page inception report detailing how the consultant intends to deliver the assignment and timelines.

Delivery 2: Draft framework document for review by the AKF team. The draft report will include, but not limited to, a conceptual framework with a narrative description of the RRF cycle from CSOs onboarding, relevant stakeholders involved, monitoring process, to the close out stage.

Delivery 3: Final document with case studies and recommendations

C. Timelines

The duration of the consultancy will be 25 working days (5 weeks) across the timelines of 10th April – 30th May 2023.

D. Qualification and Experience

a. Advanced degree in social sciences, international development, project management

b. Minimum of 5 years of experience working in the development sector

c. Experience working with civil society organizations or other development partners will be an added advantage.

d. Professional experience in developing frameworks, project briefing, reports for organizations.

e. Experience working in diverse teams across the East Africa region would be an added advantage.

Functional competencies:

a. Excellent level of conceptual and analytical capacity.

b. Strong interpersonal, communication and, ability to collaborate with a team.

c. Proficient writing and reporting skills.

d. Ability to work under specified timelines.

On the programme:

• AKDN and its partners are working to mitigate the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic, as well as the health impact, in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda

• AKDN and its partners are working to strengthen healthcare systems within each country through provision of medical equipment and PPE and through training on up-to-date protocols.

• AKDN and its partners are leveraging their networks of CSOs and community groups to spread awareness raising messages about prevention strategies and support for psychosocial wellbeing.

• AKDN and its partners are working with youth to develop innovative business solutions that meet communities’ immediate, medium, and long-term needs.

• AKDN and its partners are collaborating with young women and girls who have been at increased risk of GBV due to the impact of COVID-19 on communities to ensure they have access to needed services.


  • AKDN uses an integrated multi-sector approach to tackle the causes of poverty and improve quality of life.
  • AKDN works with local CSOs and community organizations to increase its effectiveness, raise awareness of critical issues at local level and create sustainable solutions.

AKDN’s long-term work in the countries involved and with community organizations inspires trust

How to apply

A. To Apply

Consultants or organizations interested in this opportunity with AKF should submit the items listed below to with subject title as “CSOs Rapid Response Fund Framework” by 3rd April 2023 at 1700 hrs EAT.

  1. Proposed approach including work plan in delivering the consultancy and a budget.
  2. CV of lead consultant with a portfolio of previous consultancy work done of this nature
  3. Total Budget for the consultancy inclusive of all applicable Kenya Government taxes and any logistical expenses e.g accommodation, travel.