Training of Trainers to promote wage employment in Kenya Consultancy Opportunity in Kenya - International Labour Organization

Call for application: Training of Trainers to promote wage employment in Kenya

Closing date: 23 Oct 2022 

Country: Kenya Duration of assignment: 1 November to 10 December 2022 Approximate level of effort: 20 working days Link:

The ILO, in the context of project JOY – Jobs Open to Youth, will deliver a capacity building activity on youth employment in Kenya. To this end, the ILO is seeking proposals for highly experienced consultants, based in Kenya, to fulfil the ToRs. The consultant is expected to be available on a full-time basis during the duration of the assignment.


The objective of the integrated agribusiness hubs project – Job Open to the Youth, JOY - is boosting rural youth empowerment and decent employment opportunities in Kenya and Cameroon through the provision of innovative financial and non-financial services. Organized into main hubs and satellites will accompany 2500 youth (50% female, 50% male) in the start-up or growth of their enterprises and placement into agribusiness and companies, with a special focus on those characterized by climate- resilient and/or environmentally-friendly products and business practices (“green agribusiness”). The Hubs and satellites will i) follow an integrated approach in mentorship and coaching, ii) enlarge knowledge and talent to create and groom agribusinesses, iii) improve access to upgraded and innovative agricultural technologies, including those related to climate change and green innovation, iv) engage in youth-to-youth technology transfer, v) strengthen young agripreneurs nutrition awareness, vi) provide shared facilities and equipment for co-working , vii) contribute to rural enterprise diversification and job creation especially in green economy sectors such as nonconventional renewable energies (NCRE) and others, and viii) invest in shaping an enhanced rural institutions environment. In line to the activities and main goal of the project, this training package offers a broad set of tools and practices to promote the transition of young people towards decent jobs.

Objective of the Training

The training aims to build and strengthen the capacity of USTADI and satellite partners in Kenya in delivering services and employment support to young people through the project. At the end of training programme, participants will be able to support young people in their transition to wage employment around four macro areas:

  1. Employment services to decent jobs,
  2. Engagement with private sector,
  3. Core skills,
  4. Rights at work and social dialogue. The nature of the training will be mostly practical and will combine existing knowledge developed by the ILO on these areas with practical tools and exercises.

Objective of the assignment

There are three main objectives:

  1. To adapt the technical content of the ILO’s training package on wage employment to the country context of Kenya
  2. To deliver a 3-day Training of Trainers to the main implementing actors of the JOY Project.
  3. To support logistics around training delivery Scope of work

In relation to objective 1, the following tasks are envisioned: • Review the current package and produce recommendations for improvement, in line with the training needs and under the guidance of ILO experts appointed for each of the technical areas of the training package. This will include flagging new (or updated) resources to add to the package as well as providing inputs to the outline of the 2-day training. • Adapt the training material to the context of Kenya, when applicable. • Produce (or update when applicable) customized presentation deck for each module drawing from the ILO training package in order to adapt the content to participants’ needs and to the country context. This will include drawing examples from current legal framework in Kenya, case studies relevant for the projects and contextualization of the tools available in the package. • Design practical activities and group exercises that will be delivered during the training.

In relation to objective 2, the following tasks are envisioned: • Provide inputs to the agenda of the training. In collaboration with the ILO technical expert, the consultant(s) will produce a detailed agenda of the 3-day training. This will include drafting the agenda of the activities for each day divided by session. Each session will present a timeline, the reference to the training material and practical examples. A Q&A session will follow each technical session. • Delivering lectures for the course in English. • Facilitating group discussions on the discussion board and responding to participant questions. • Facilitating group work for 4 groups (with ca. 5-6 people each), including guiding and managing them.

In relation to objective 3, the following tasks are envisioned: • Managing participants once confirmation of their participation is received. The invitation process (sending out invitations and confirming participation) will be managed by USTADI. The service provider will be expected to manage communications with participants once confirmed, including ending communications via email, including reminders, ahead of the course; • follow-up communication after lectures (such as sending links to re-watch lectures, next steps for group work; timing of the next lecture, describing daily goals, summarizing progress, encouraging participants to engage in the discussion.)

Required qualifications, skills and experience

The preference is for the assignment to be completed by three consultants, two youth employment experts (in particular, one expert on employment services and one expert for skills development) and one training expert. However, proposals for one consultant to complete all deliverables can be considered. The consultants are required to: • Hold and Advanced University Degree in any of these relevant fields: economics, social science, social policy, development studies, etc., or a related field with experience in skills development or employment services or both. • Have at least 5 years of progressive experience in working in capacity/skills development, labour market policy and youth employment. • Demonstrate in depth understanding of labour market and youth employment trends in West Central, a strong focus on Cameroon would be an asset. • Demonstrate fluency in French with strong written and oral skills • Demonstrate evidence of similar training material development work done and/or published by the institution or individuals, especially on youth employment, within the past 5- 7 years for the ILO and/or other UN agencies, NGOs or international organizations.

More info:

How to apply

Interested individual consultants are invited to apply by sending a brief technical and financial proposals as well as CV to Subject: “13.10.2022. JOY – Capacity building activity, Kenya”.

The application deadline is 23 October 2022 23:59 (Geneva time - CEST).